Introductory Q&A
1-1 Why the name Japanese Military “Comfort Women”?
1-2 Who were the Japanese military “comfort women”?
1-3 Why did the Japanese military establish the “comfort women” system?
1-4 How were the women enlisted?
1-5 How the Japanese military operate the “comfort women” system?
1-6 Was there coercion in military comfort stations?
1-7 What Happened after the War?
1-8 How Have the Women Lived after the War?
1-9 What Kind of Problems Are There? Grave Human Rights Abuses and Crimes against Humanity
1-10 What Should Be Done To Resolve the Issue?
Basic Knowledge– category –
1-9 What Kind of Problems Are There? Grave Human Rights Abuses and Crimes against Humanity
1-10 What Should Be Done To Resolve the Issue?
NHK番組改変と政治介入 ―― 女性国際戦犯法廷をめぐって何が起きたか
消された裁き ―― NHK番組改変と政治介入事件
番組はなぜ改ざんされたか ―― 「NHK・ETV事件」の深層
『暴かれた真実NHK番組改ざん事件 ―― 女性国際戦犯法廷と政治介入』
奴隷以下 ―― ドイツ企業の戦後責任